Monday, July 16, 2012

Staff News From The Wright Agency

Colin Timm, one of our long term creative partners, has agreed to join The Wright Agency in Saint John as full time Senior Art Director.
Colin is a classically trained Art Director with over 25 years of advertising experience. He has worked as an Art Director in Johannesburg, South Africa for some of the world’s largest and most prestigious advertising agencies: J Walter Thompson, BBDO, and Saatchi & Saatchi, to name a few. In 1998, he was transferred to Saatchi & Saatchi Canada and eventually settled in Halifax where he was employed by CCL and later Cossette Atlantic.
During his career, Colin has worked on accounts such as British Airways, Toyota, Proctor & Gamble, Prince Edward Island Tourism and the Government of Nova Scotia. He is very familiar with our client base, having already made creative contributions to Saputo, New Brunswick Securities Commission, NB Dental, Saint John Mill Rats, Alcool NB Liquor and many others.
Along the way he has picked up numerous Advertising Awards, which include Clio, New York Festival, London International, Mobius and Ice. However he, like we, firmly believes that the increase, success and growth of the client’s product and business are of paramount importance. Awards are nice for the ego, but mean little if the client’s objectives aren’t met.
In his new role, Colin will become an even greater asset to our clients and our agency as he continues to raise the standard of our creative output and aids us in fulfilling our growth initiative.
Please say hello to Colin at or 672-6663

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