Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Conflict resolution seminars at UNB

Join us for the following seminars:

Introduction to Conflict Resolution
October 23, 2012 in Saint John
Be better equipped next time you are faced with a conflict in your organization. Learn the nature, layers, and dynamics of conflict and how values, beliefs, and stereo-types impact conflict. You will also be able to identify underlying and deep-rooted sources of conflict, learn four general steps in the resolution of conflicts, as well as the value that a neutral person can play in facilitating the resolution. More

Preventing and Resolving Conflict in Not-for-Profit and Voluntary Organizations
November 5 & 6, 2012 in Saint John
Learn about the key sources of conflict in NGOs and the common reasons disputes arise between boards, staff, volunteers, government agencies, and others. Develop techniques that reduce conflict and build communication skills, and increase your knowledge about the use of interest-based processes in non-profit organizations. More

Introduction to Circles of Support and Accountability
March 27, 2013 in Moncton
Learn about your role in building safer communities. Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA) is a community-oriented, restorative-justice based reintegration program that works with people newly released from prison who have been convicted of sexual offenses, admit to committing these offences, and request CoSA's help to prevent further offending. This program is designed to create safer, stronger communities, and has been proven to reduce sexual re-offending among participants by up to 80%, and to reduce re-offending in all types of crime by up to 72%. More

Introduction to Restorative Justice
March 13, 2013 in Moncton
Learn about an alternative to the crime and punishment paradigm that builds relationships and strengthens communities. Restorative justice provides principles for living accountable lives in right relationship with the people and world around us. This seminar will explore the principles of RJ and offer you a chance to experience a restorative process. More

Registration open now. Register early to save 5% off the course fee!
You may also be interested in:
Mastering the Art of Negotiation
Dynamics of Team Building
Becoming a Third Party Neutral (Module 1 of Third Party Neutral Conflict Resolution Strategies Certificate Program)

College of Extended Learning
University of New Brunswick, 6 Duffie Drive,
P.O. Box 4400, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada E3B 5A3
Tel.: 506 453-3503
Toll free: 1 866 599-4646
Fax: 506 453-3572
Web site: www.unb.ca/cel/career

E-mail: profdev@unb.ca

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