Monday, December 10, 2012

UNBSJ Looking for Placement Opportunities for January-April 2013 Co-Op Students!

The UNBSJ Business co-op program is currently looking for placement opportunities within this region and we would like to take this opportunity to tell you about our program and, more importantly, our students.

Our program has 27 ambitious business students available for employment from January – April 2013 who are conscientious, hard working, energetic and eager. The majority of our students are from New Brunswick and most hope to build a career here following graduation. For over nineteen years, organizations have been hiring UNB Saint John business co-op students to work in a variety of business related areas. Co-op students can assist employees with their day-to-day responsibilities, therefore allowing reallocation of professional staff to more complicated projects. Alternatively, co-op students may complete project work, cyclical work, and short-term work such as helping out while employees are on maternity or educational leave. The four-month work-terms also allow organizations to identify potential future full time employees.

We are currently posting co-op opportunities for the upcoming winter work-term. Please distribute this information to the managers and supervisors in your organization who may be interested in hiring a co-op student. Our recruitment process makes it easy for employers to find a great match for their organization.

If you would like further information about our program, please contact Stacey at 506-648-5741, or Erin at 506-648-5549, or call our toll free number 1-800-50-UNBSJ. We look forward to hearing from you.

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