Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Pay it Forward on April 25

Pay it Forward Saint John is hoping to inspire the people in the Saint John Region to participate in International Pay It Forward Day on April 25th, 2013 from 12:00pm – 1:00pm at the Marco Polo Cruise Ship Terminal
Charley Johnson, the International founder of Pay it Forward, will be joining us as the keynote speaker for the day.

Recently, members of the Pay It Forward Saint John Committee presented the idea to the Regional Mayors’ Caucus and we look forward to regional support through municipal proclamations and participation on April 25th.

There is tremendous power and positive energy in giving – it is a shame that not enough people have experienced it to the fullest. Pay It Forward Day is about all people, from all walks of life, giving to someone else and making a positive difference. At last count there were more than 38 countries around the world participating in the day.

For more information click here.

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