Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Celebrate the 130th anniversary of the Saint John Free Public Library

May 28, 2013


On June 13th at 2pm the public is invited to help celebrate the 130th anniversary of the Saint John Free Public Library at a Tea taking place at the Library in Market Square. 

In commemoration of the establishment of Canada’s first FREE public Library, we are having a party!  Thanks to the storytelling skills of David Goss, you will hear about life in Saint John in 1883 from John Boyd, a local Saint John gentleman of 1883, who was well known for his love of the theatre and his impersonation of Charles Dickens.  Ian Wilson, Director of the Fundy Library Region, has played a key role in the development of library services in Saint John and he will share his insight and some seldom seen photos illustrating the development of the Library.  You will see a slide show of current library programs and services with a commentary by City Librarian, Joann Hamilton-Barry.  Mayor (and Library Board Member) Mel Norton will speak about his vision for the future of our city and our library.

Join us for tea, refreshments, a book shaped birthday cake, announcements about upcoming anniversary events and for your chance to win an e-reader!  For more information or to RSVP, call 648-2848 or visit the website:

Happy 130th birthday to the Saint John Free Public Library! 

For more information contact:

Joann Hamilton-Barry                               Carole MacFarquhar
City Librarian                                               Young Adult/ Adult Services Librarian
643-7770                                                    643-7237


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