Thursday, July 11, 2013

National Household Survey Webinar

Statistics Canada’s Eastern Region Community Outreach Program will be hosting a repeat of the National Household Survey Webinar during the month of July and will be resuming regular monthly webinars pertaining to new topics as of September 2013.  

Each of these Webinars have been designed with the community organizations and municipalities in mind, and aim to assist you in finding the data that is available to you for free on the Statcan Website.

The National Household Survey Webinar is designed to provide users with information regarding the key differences between the Census and NHS data, as well as demonstrate how to find data for your region.

Please click here for further information on the Webinar series.
Si vous souhaitez plus d'information en ce qui concerne les Webminars, merci de cliquer ici
Join us for one of the following web sessions:
French sessions
Tuesday, July 16 2013 – 1:00PM (Eastern Daylight Time – EDT -4:00)

English sessions
Date &Time: 
Wednesday July 17, 2013  – 10:00AM (Eastern Daylight Time – EDT -4:00)
We hope to count on you among our attendees.

Please RSVP at the following email address:

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