Friday, August 17, 2012

Seminars for Executives at UNB

The University of New Brunswick Executive Education Centre (EEC) presents professional development programs for executives who want to sharpen their competitive edge.
Join us Sept 20-21 for “Leading at the Speed of Trust”, a two-day seminar based on the #1 best-selling book by Stephen M.R. Covey. Find out how trust, an often-ignored asset or liability, can be a strategic economic driver. Learn how doing business at the Speed of Trust can dramatically lower costs, speed upresults, and increase profits.
October 17 & 18 the EEC welcomes Laura M. Downing, one of the founders and senior executive leaders of Balanced Scorecard Collaborative together with Drs. Kaplan and Norton. Attend an evening presentation and/or a full-day seminar and hear how the BSC framework has helped thousands of organizations worldwide align their metrics, projects, and people to their strategy—for breakthrough results. Learn how to institutionalize strategic thinking in your own organization.
On November 28, Chris McChesney, best-selling co-author, leadership consultant, executive advisor, and highly sought after speaker will discuss the principles described in his book “The Four Disciplines of Execution”. Attend this session and learn about most powerful methodology available today for translating business strategyinto laser-focused action.
Register online!
For more information contact:  Sheila Burt, Director, Executive Education Centre 506-452-6159 or

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