Friday, August 17, 2012

UNB Names New Chair and Vice-Chair for Board of Governors

Kathryn McCain, chair of the McCain Foundation, has been appointed chair of the University of New Brunswick's Board of Governors for a two-year term, which began July 1. She was previously vice-chair of the board.
Brian Baxter, CEO of Botsford Investments Inc., has been appointed board vice-chair for a two-year term. Baxter is a former member of UNB's Board of Governors, as well as former chair and CEO of Oulton College.
More information on UNB's new board appointments can be found through the following link: 
For more information or to book an interview contact: Greg Carriere at or 506-453-4546

UNB opens autism intervention training program to the public
The University of New Brunswick's College of Extended Learning is now offering its award-winning, evidence-based Autism Support Training program to the public. 
The renowned program, designed to equip people with the tools they need to support individuals with autism, was developed for the New Brunswick Department of Education. Previously, the program was available only to teachers, teacher assistants, clinical supervisors and autism support workers connected to the department.
Now, the program is available to physicians, parents, daycare workers and anyone else who would like to learn more about working with individuals living with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
The College of Extended Learning has made it a priority to expand all of its offerings related to behavioural intervention training to make those essential training programs available to the public.
For more information or to book an interview contact: Belinda Elliott-Bielecki at or 506-453-4848 

Looking for a good business story? Check out these from UNB's Faculty of Business Administration
The University of New Brunswick's Faculty of Business Administration shines the spotlight on interesting research and initiatives in its regular "Ideas with Impact" newsletter. 
The July/August edition features stories, among others, on social media's impact on workplace communications and on the impact of organizational justice on workforce retention.
The full stories are available here:

More more information or to book an interview, contact: Liz Lemon-Mitchell at or 458-7492

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