Friday, October 19, 2012

New Brunswick Community Collete E-Building Officially Opens

The $26-million E-Building at the New Brunswick Community College, Saint John campus, officially opened.
"I am pleased to see the New Brunswick Community College offering students a quality learning experience in a world-class facility,” said Culture, Tourism and Healthy Living Minister Trevor Holder. “Infrastructure improvements are essential to the long-term success of our New Brunswick post-secondary institutions. Modern facilities such as this attract students, foster innovative ideas and retain leadership talent in our province."

Holder was speaking on behalf of the Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour.

"Our government has invested in innovation and knowledge infrastructure to set the foundation for economic prosperity," said Saint John MP Rodney Weston. "This project not only created jobs for people in our community but also provided the infrastructure that will benefit the New Brunswick Community College for years to come."

The 7,492-square-metre (83,250-square-foot) building, a focal point on the campus, is designed to meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) silver-rating standards. The “E” in E-Building refers to energy, environment and engineering technologies.

"This is another example of the New Brunswick Community College accelerating on its journey as a contemporary college," said Marilyn Luscombe, president and chief executive officer of the community college. "The new E-Building will provide our students with interactive spaces for their various formal and informal learning experiences. We are very appreciative of both governments' continued investment in the New Brunswick Community College. This will enable us to continue to prepare the workforce of tomorrow and engage citizens who will benefit their communities for years to come."

Cheryl M.G. Robertson, board chair of the community college, echoed Luscombe's comments, adding that the college will soon launch its new five-year strategic plan.

"Now is time to invest in the New Brunswick Community College,” said Robertson. “The college has a strong vision in place and is steaming ahead with its commitment to contribute to social and economic prosperity in New Brunswick."

The state-of-the-art building, located on Grandview Avenue, welcomed students and staff in early September. It showcases advanced green-energy systems, and it will also serve as teaching tools for energy, environment, and engineering technology students.

The provincial government invested $23.5 million in the project, while the federal government, through the Knowledge Infrastructure Program administered by Industry Canada contributed $2.5 million.

The New Brunswick Community College is committed to encouraging, engaging and inspiring its learners to be successful and innovative citizens. Across six locations, the community college offers more than 90 regular programs as well as apprenticeship and continuing education opportunities.

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