Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Rocmaura Foundation’s 15th Annual Gala Dinner & Auction

September 21, 2013 at the Saint John Trade & Convention Centre

Cindy Day – CTV Atlantic’s Meteorologist –Host!
Tim Isaac  - Honourary Chair and Auctioneer
Herzl Kashetsky - 2013 Artist of the Year
Snake Charmer - Entertainment
Silent and Live Auction:
Reception 5:00 pm - Dinner 6:00 pm
Artwork, Antiques, Treasures new and old – A fun Filled evening to support Phase II of the Wardrobe Project
This year’s Goal : $75,000
Help us improve Residents’ quality of life
Buy Tickets! $100 with $50 tax receipt
Donate an auction item!
Be a sponsor, or make a donation!
Sally Cummings at the Foundation Office 506 643-7090 or Email: foundation@rocmaura.com 
Patrick Gallagher – Committee Chair - gall@rogers.com  506 847-7539

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