Monday, June 25, 2012

Canadians Go Wireless in Increasing Numbers Mobile Communications from Business are Welcome, study says

SAINT JOHN, New Brunswick (June 25, 2012) – More Canadians than ever are going mobile in the evolving landscape of wireless communication. And that, one agency says, provides enormous opportunity for businesses big or small.
According to the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association, nearly 75 percent of Canadians—a whopping 26 million—have a mobile phone. Of those mobile phone owners, 48 percent own a Smartphone. Those Smartphone users aren’t just talking—they’re texting, searching, emailing, downloading and participating in social networks. Increasing numbers use their phone to research products and services, and plan to leverage the technology to power-up their purchasing.
“Of the millions of Canadians who own Smartphones, 79 percent say they never leave home without it,” says Sara MacQueen of Big Fish Media, a Canadian Mobile Marketing Agency. “That’s a lot of customers on the move—and we’re finding they’re increasingly open to using their phone to connect with their favorite companies and brands.”
That spells opportunity for business since Canadians aren’t shy about connecting through mobile technology. Up to 50 percent of Smartphone owners say they are interested in using their phone for loyalty programs, gift cards and coupons. Nearly half, too, say they would welcome location-based coupons from retailers delivered through their Smartphone.
“Research across the board is showing us that today’s consumers are making decisions based on the information they receive through their mobile device,” says MacQueen. “They’re reading reviews, comparing prices and searching for coupons from the palm of their hand. It makes sense to implement a mobile-focused marketing strategy.”
An Infographic on the mobile landscape in Canada is available to download and reprint from Big Fish Media, as long as the graphic is used in whole. Big Fish Media compiled the Infographic from data available through several agencies that track consumer behavior related to telecommunications.
About Big Fish Media
Big Fish Media is an Internet and Mobile Marketing Agency in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada.  They help companies and brands create mobile-focused marketing strategies through custom app development, text message marketing, mobile-friendly websites and campaign landing pages.
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